How To Look After A Tattoo: The Perfect Way To Maintain The Quality Of The Design

Look After A Tattoo
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How To Look After A Tattoo: The Perfect Way To Maintain The Quality Of The Design Here

Look After A TattooIt is important to take care of your tattoo after you get it done. This is because tattoos are a form of self-expression and art, which means that they need proper care in order to be preserved for a long time.In this blog, we will discuss what you should do before and after getting the tattoo done. The following are some helpful tips on how to look after your tattoo.

The Importance Of Aftercare On Your New Tattoo

A tattoo has a purpose beyond serving as a work of art and a statement of your particular style. Because the artist must use a needle to place the ink beneath your skin, it is also a medical operation. Any time you break the skin, you expose yourself to infections and scarring.By taking good care of your tattoo, you can avoid these issues and make sure that it heals completely. You and your tattoo artist share equal responsibility for this procedure. You should take care of your new tattoo at home in addition to visiting a professional and licensed tattoo parlour.But, it can be challenging to understand how to take care of your tattoo. In many states, tattoo artists are not required to give aftercare instructions to their clients. States that provide aftercare instructions frequently allow the artist to pick and choose which details to include.For advice on how to take care of your tattoo daily, product recommendations, and more, keep reading.

Cover The Tattoo Up

The tattoo should be covered with a small coating of antibiotic ointment by the artist, followed by a bandage or piece of plastic wrap. Protecting your skin prevents bacteria from entering. It also shields the tattoo from irritation caused by rubbing against your clothing.Leave the dressing on for however long your tattoo artist advises—this could only be a few hours. Any liquid or extra ink that escapes from the tattoo will be more easily absorbed.

Gently Wash The Tattoo

You can take off the covering after a few hours. Wash your hands with soap and water first. Next, use warm water and fragrance-free soap to gently wash the tattoo. Using a gentle cloth, pat your skin dry. On the tattoo, apply a tiny amount of moisturiser free of alcohol and smell. At this time, you can keep the covering off to allow your skin to breathe.

Wait For It To Heal Properly

When your tattoo heals, you ought to:
  • Wear sun-protective clothes if you go out.
  • If you see any signs of infection or other issues, contact your tattoo artist or physician.
You must not:
  • Rub or scrape the tattoo.
  • Put on fitted clothes over the tattoo.
  • swim or submerge yourself in water (showers are fine)

Daily Tattoo Care Regimen

Tattoo Care RegimenThe size and complexity of your tattoo will determine how soon you heal. Because larger tattoos cause more harm to your skin, they will remain red and swollen for longer.

Day 1

You will have a bandage or plastic wrap covering your tattoo when you leave the tattoo parlour. It can be taken off after some time.To find out exactly how long to wait, ask your artist. Depending on the kind and size of your tattoo, recommendations may differ. Some tattoo artists advise covering your tattoo for no more than one or two hours.You’ll probably notice fluid oozing from the tattoo after the covering is removed. This consists of blood, excess ink, and plasma (the transparent component of blood). You’ll also have red and tender skin that is hot to the touch.Wash the tattoo with warm water and fragrance-free soap while using clean hands. Use a moisturiser that is alcohol and fragrance-free. To allow the tattoo to heal, don’t remove the covering.

Days 2 to 3

Your tattoo will look cloudier and duller by this point. This occurs while your skin recovers. Scabs will begin to develop. Once or twice a day, wash your tattoo and moisturise it with a lotion free of alcohol and smell. You might see some ink dripping into the sink as you wash. This is extra ink that has entered your skin.

Days 4 to 6

It should start to get less red. Above the tattoo, you’ll probably see some minor scabbing. The scabs will be elevated but shouldn’t be as thick as the scabs you get from cuts on yourself. Avoid picking at the scabs, as this might leave scars. Every day, wash your tattoo once or twice. Use a moisturiser that is alcohol- and fragrance-free.

Days 6 to 14

The scabs have become firm and will start to peel off. Avoid picking at them or attempting to remove them. Allow them to naturally fall off. Otherwise, you risk leaving scars if you try to remove the ink.Your skin can be irritating right now. If your tattoo is still red and swollen at this stage, you might have an infection. To reduce the itching, gently massage on a moisturiser free of fragrance and alcohol several times daily. See your tattoo artist again or a physician.

Days 15 to 30

Most of the large flakes will have disappeared by this point in the healing process, and the scabs should be dissolving. Although some dead skin may still be visible, it should ultimately disappear. The tattooed area could still appear lifeless and boring. Continue moisturising until the skin appears moisturised once more.The skin’s surface should have healed by the second or third week. The lowest layers may require three to four months to fully recover. The tattoo should be as vibrant and vivid as the artist intended by the end of the third month.


It is crucial to prioritise tattoo aftercare right after getting one to protect your skin’s health as well as to make sure your new tattoo looks as wonderful as it possibly can.


How long do tattoos take to heal?

A tattoo will usually take 2–4 weeks to heal. During this time, it is important people closely follow aftercare guidance to ensure their tattoo heals and to avoid complications. If the tattoo develops an infection or excessive inflammation, it can slow the healing process.

Should you use Vaseline on tattoos?

Vaseline isn’t the best choice for tattoo aftercare. Petroleum jelly traps moisture and bacteria, leading to infections and scarring if your tattoo doesn’t get enough air while it’s healing. You may be able to use Vaseline on old tattoos if your skin is dry.

How do you sleep with a new tattoo?

The main thing is to try to keep pressure off of the new tattoo, so if you are a side sleeper with a new arm tattoo, sleep on the opposite arm. If it’s a back tattoo, try to sleep on your front. Taking the pressure off will relieve the pain you can feel with a new piece, and it will also help you to avoid damaging it.